obodo proudly announces the introduction of Italian designed and manufactured SF COLLECTION to join our family!

Specialising in wood seating designed for the rigours of commercial usage in hospitality, SF Collection controls all steps in the production process in-house from timber drying, the hand-made prototypes, up to the final product

Thanks to their skilled team of workers and the Cnc machines, they are able to manufacture a high-end heavy-duty commercial grade product, yet well priced with a wide range of options.

SF collection is FSC certified and CATAS members.

Click here to see full range of SF Collection.

About SF Collection

SF Collection is located in this beautiful Villa in Via Masarotte, near the Villa dei Conti Trento, better known as Villa Trento, it is a Venetian villa located in Dolegnano, in the Municipality of San Giovanni al Natisone (UD), ITALY.

“At the end of World War 2, the Friuli region in Northern Italy was a poor land, the young emigrated, seeking jobs and a better future elsewhere. Instead, my grandfather, Almo Cantarutti, preferred to stay on, to set up a furniture company to contribute to our region’s wellbeing.

Our story begins with my grandfather’s perseverance and hard labour, which were continued by my father, Edgardo Cantarutti and, now, by the third, current generation led by myself, Erich Cantarutti, our entrepreneurial family continues considerable investment and development for the company’s future.” – Erich Cantarutti.

“a passion for the details and for the quality that was instilled by Guglielmo Cantarutti our great grandfather , who taught us that a company has to focus on customer satisfaction, which is the only way to last for more than a generation, now , two brothers Erich and Gianpaolo Cantarutti, represent the Cantarutti family. “